Sunday, May 3, 2020

Variations on a Theme: Chipotle Chicken Salad

Hi everyone,

I hope you're coping okay with the stay-at-home and mask restrictions. I've noticed a lot of people these days have been keeping themselves busy in the kitchen. I completely applaud this for a couple reasons. 1) I love it when I can geek out with people who share my hobbies. 2) When the activity you're engaged in uses your senses in a big way, it's therapeutic. Cooking uses all of them.

Now that I see chicken breasts at the store on a regular basis, I've been cooking them a bit more. I make chicken salad because that way when I have the leftovers, I don't even have to worry about heating something up. Here we go

  • 2 cooked and chilled chicken breasts (average chicken breast these days is 5-6 ounces), chopped.
  • 2 green onions, chopped (I use the white and green parts; if you prefer just the green, use 3)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano (I will be adjusting this next time I make it)
  • 3 chipotle peppers in adobo sauce from a can, chopped, smooshed, or run through a processor) (look here for other things you can do with the rest of the can)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Mayo to taste
  • Ripe avocado (if you can find one) cut into chunks for topping
Makes 3 generous main-dish servings. 

I cook chicken breast sous vide these days because it's so easy, at 145 degrees F (62.78 C). However you cook your breasts, I recommend putting them in the fridge for at least a couple hours before you make the salad.

Combine the chicken, onions, oregano, and peppers in a bowl. Stir 3-5 times to spread the adobo sauce around. Use a fork and press down a lot. Now the rest is up to your taste. Me, I don't like tons of may, so I tend to use just enough to hold everything together. You might like a little more because the cooling ability of the mayo will balance the adobo. I might try part mayo part plain yogurt next time. Continue stirring and pressing until the mayo is blended. You're going to get a pinkish orange tint when you're done.

Add salt & pepper to taste, more oregano if you like.

For serving, I went with yet another attempt at arepas, which I still don't have down, also some butter lettuce on the side. I just dropped the salad on the arepa. You could also use warm corn tortillas or the bread of your choice, or even pita chips.

My avocados, alas, were underripe. One of these days I'll be able to ripen them at home properly. I know the best tricks, it's my judgement that's off.

If you try this, please let me know. I'd love some feedback. I was massively happy with it, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to tweak.

Cheers everyone. Stay safe.

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